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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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+ 0855 5646 7189
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 / Closed on Weekends
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Who we are ?

We create digital experiences that excite and inspire

No more waiting in line with our professional Services

CODELIB is a full service digital agency located in England. We are a team of professional designers, developers, marketers and IT specialists combining our knowledge and expertise to create exceptional designs and strategies, tailored to your business’s needs and requirements.

We are proud to work with

No more waiting in line with our professional Services

We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality products that truly make a difference. We’ve worked on so many exciting projects for companies across the UK and worldwide, each one as unique as the next. For every project we always focus on the individual needs of our clients and strive to achieve something that we’re proud to put our name to.

What we offer ?


Exceptional design services with a focus on user experience. The design team provide website design, graphic design, video, animation and 3D modelling services.


We use a wide range of tools to create websites, web portals and applications that are easy to use and maintain.


Professional agency offering honest, bespoke, multi-channel digital marketing services to a range of small and large private and public companies.


Specialist IT engineers and analysts sharing their expertise with businesses to provide consultancy, support, hosting and maintenance to improve clients technological capabilities.